• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

A masterpiece from Relsas Yogica et al, 2023., Lecturer Staff, Department of Biology, FMIPA UNP

"Birds in lenses"
published by Educational Book Publisher Deepublish

This book contains proof of the performance of Google Lens in recognizing biological objects, namely birds (Aves). Recognizing bird species is an activity that requires certain guidance to align the bird found with the facts about the bird's character. Recognition of bird species is useful as a source of information about character identity, number, distribution, behavior, position in the ecosystem, and information on the threat of extinction. At least, to recognize the identity of a bird, you can start from recognizing the morphology (shape, color, pattern, pattern) of the body. The introduction of morphology of course begins with visual documentation using a camera, accompanied by other supporting devices.

Biology is not the First, Biology is the Best

News Writer: Ganda H. Selaras, M.Pd.

Editor: Rahmawati D., M.Pd.

Web Admin: Threo W. Marten, M.Sc.