• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Serambi Biology Journal Proudly present: "Scientific Article Writing Workshop" Especially for students majoring in Biology, terms and conditions apply.

With outstanding Speakers:

1. Robby Jannatan, M.Si. is a lecturer who actively writes both for scientific articles and for non-scientific articles, many of his writings have been published.

2. Hanifah Aini, M.Sc., has just finished her master's program and will continue her doctoral program at Tokyo Metropolitan University, then don't hesitate anymore with her writing skills.

3. Nurul Afifah Rusyda, M.Pd. is a talented lecturer in Mathematics at the State University of Padang and always receives Research Grants every year.

4. Febrinal, S.Si. is the best graduate of graduation 2019 and has also received research funding for PKM 5 fields thanks to his ability to write scientific articles.