• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Late Post!!!

Thank God, O Lord

A trial implementation of the SULAM (Service Learning) Project, which is also the final assignment for the Animal Physiology course, has been carried out by Biology D 2021 Education Students who were accompanied by lecturers Helsa Rahmatica, M.Pd., and Siska Alicia Farma, S.Pd., M .Biomed., and also attended by Fitri Olvia Rahmi, M.Pd., lasted for 2 days, namely 30 and 31 May 2024.

This activity provides students with the opportunity to contribute the knowledge and skills they have learned in lectures to solve problems or problems in society. Biology D Education students provide education about the digestive system and the dangers of consuming junk food as well as the dangers of smoking/vaping on the respiratory system. After implementing this activity, it is hoped that elementary and middle school students will pay more attention to the food they consume and also avoid smoking to maintain their digestive and respiratory systems.

Group 1 with the theme "Understanding the Digestive System and the Dangers of Snacks: Briefing Visits at Elementary Schools"
Place: UNP Laboratory Development Elementary School
1. Miguel David
2. Anggun Febriani Wahyu Ningsih
3. Fatina Daely
4. Lilis Marlina
5. Salsabila Warman Pearls
6. Nia Sefri Yeni
7. Riska Multi Azura
8. Ummi Kalsum Harahap
9. Annisa Nurhidayah Putri
10. Bestlyanti
11. Dwi Citra Pertiwi
12. Erma Nengsih
13. Fadhilah Afifah
14. Fadhilatul Azizah

Group 2 with the theme "Respiratory System Workshop (How to Maintain the Respiratory System and Disorders of the Respiratory System".
Place: SMP Negeri 25 Padang
1. Alvis Aldora Irwanto
2. Hafifah Qismatul Fauziah
3. Julia Derullisa
4. Salsabila Forendra
5. Sisri Wiguna
6. Siti Nur Habibah
7. Summi Fitri Elida
8. Yuni Yanti
9. Beautiful Permata Bunda
10. Irhly Nuryanita
11. Malika Ardha Defitra
12. Puspita Zakiya Mumtaza
13. Silvi Aprilia Syarif
14. Tasya Humaira Hazirin

Biology is not the First, Biology is the Best

News Writer: Ganda H. Selaras, M.Pd.

Editor: Rahmawati D, M.Pd.

Web Admin: Threo W. Marten, M.Sc.