• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalammualakum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

Congratulations and Success to:

1. Nagra Valofi Hall
2. Yona Firm Star
3. Fauzah Az-Zahra
4. Awanda Ayu Hanifah

Students from the Department of Bology, FMIPA UNP, Recipients of Research Assistance Scholarships for Research and Innovation Talents (BARISTA BRIN)

Good luck with the scholarship you get, and enthusiasm for your studies

Bology is not the First, Bology is the Best

News Writer: Rahmadhani Fitri, M.Pd.

Editor: Rahmawati D., M.Pd.

Web Admin: Threo W. Marten, M.Si.