• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Congratulations and Success to:
ALUMNI of the Department of Biology FMIPA UNP for Graduating and being accepted into PPG PGSD Postgraduate Padang State University

1. Syifa Ananda - PGSD - UNP
2. Vina Safitri-PGSD- UNP
3. Nada Aulia Asri-PGSD-UNP
4. ⁠Welly Junengsih-PGSD-UNP
5. Khozanatur Rohmah -PGSD-UNP
6. ⁠Sinta Wulandari-PGSD-UNP
7. Nova Ramadhani-PGSD-UNJ
8. Fahira Satma Parawansa-PGSD-UNP
9. Diini Fitrahtun Nida-PGSD-UNP
10. Yuni Fatma Andini-PGSD-UNP
11. ⁠ Leli Ambella Mayanda-PGSD-UNP
12. Khayanti Nasution-PGSD-UNP
13. Ichi Nuri Fadilah -PGSD-UNP
14. ⁠Fanny Azzahra Putri -PGSD-UNP
15. Hafilzdah Hidayati -PGSD- UNP
16. Serly Anggun Putri-PGSD-UN
17. Ravinda Mairizal Putri-PGSD-UNP
18. Mega Syafril-PGSD-UNP

Stay enthusiastic, and be a teacher with extensive knowledge, professional teaching and an innovative teacher in your field.

Biology is not the First, Biology is the Best

News Writer: Dr. Muhyiatul Fadillah, S.Si., M.Pd.

Editor: Relsas Yogica, M.Pd.

Web Admin: Threo W. Marten, S.Sc.