• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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"List of Business Opportunities for Students, Department of Biology FMIPA UNP-Eco Paliko Nagari Bukik Limbuku, Harau District, Limapuluh Kota Regency Establishes Cooperation"

The Department of Biology, FMIPA UNP is exploring collaboration with the Eco Paliko Community in Limapuluh Kota Regency. Represented by the Chair of the Biology Education Study Program, Biology Department, FMIPA UNP, Dr. Muhyiatul Fadilah S.Si., M.Pd, Dr. Fitri Arsih S.Si, M.Pd, and Dr. Suci Fajrina, M.Pd.

More details can be read at:

Biology is not the First, Biology is the Best

News Writer: Dr. Dwi Hilda Putri, S.Si., M. Biomed.

Editor: Relsas Yogica, M.Pd.

Web Admin: Threo W. Marten, S.Sc.


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