• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The Department of Biology, FMIPA UNP, in this case the Community Service Team, Department of Biology, FMIPA UNP, provides assistance and strengthening the soft skills of the KA SARO Nagari Tanjung Balik Waste Bank Group, X Koto Di Atas District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra.

The service was carried out in Nagari Tanjung Balik which is also a Pilot Project for the Assisted Nagari Development Program activities. The dedication will be held on Sunday/October 15 2023.

The team that departed for this service: Prof. Dr. Azwir Anhar, M.Si., Siska Alicia Farma, S.Pd., M.Biomed., Yusni Atifah, M.Si., Ganda Hijrah Selaras, M.Pd., Sandi Fransisco Pratama, S.Si., M. Sc. Ilham Sepriadi, S.Pd and Threo W. Marten, S.Si.

Biology is not the First, Biology is the Best

News Writer: Rahmadhani Fitri, M.Pd.

Editor: Yusni Atifah, M.Si.

Web Admin: Threo W. Marten, S.Si.