• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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CRROWM Department of Biology FMIPA UNP strengthened the capacity of management of Ka Saro Nagari Tanjung Balik

SOLOK, SuaraRantau.Com–Center of Research on Recycling Organic Waste Management (CRROWM) Department of Biology FMIPA Padang State University (UNP) is again carrying out Community Service in Nagari Tanjung Balik, X Koto Di Atas District, Solok Regency.

This service is an effort to strengthen the capacity of the Ka Saro Nagari Tanjung Balik This service is the second year program of Nagari Tanjung Balik's assistance in the Healthy Families Pilot Project for Disaster Resilient Response Towards Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS).

Members of the Nagari Service Team under the guidance of Nagari Tanjung Balik, X Koto Above District, Solok Regency are Prof. Dr. Azwir Anhar, M, Si., Dr. Eka Vidya Putra, S.Sos., M.Si, Siska Alicia Farma, S.Pd., M.Biomed., Ganda Hijrah Selaras, M.Pd, Threo Wanda Marten, S.Si., Ilham Sepriadi, S.Pd .

Biology is not the first, biology is the best