• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

"Assisting Prospective National Level IBO Participants (OSN)"

Again the Department of Biology FMIPA UNP participated in Assistance for National Level (OSN) IBO participant candidates.

The participants who were accompanied came from SMAN 1 SUMBAR and MAN Insan Cendekia. The skills/practicum they get at the FMIPA UNP Biology Laboratory are in the form of: in biology practicum skills; Animal Physiology Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biomolecular, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Insect Taxonomy, Plant Ecology, and Biostatistical Data Analysis.

Hopefully this will be a provision for all of our success, Aamiin Ya Rabb.

Biology is not the First, Biology is the Best.

News Maker : Rijal Satria, Ph.D.

Editor : Yusni Atifah, M.Sc.

Web Admin : Threo W. Marten, S.Si.