Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu [OPEN RECRUITMENT OF BS ADIPOSA CUSTOMERS] Proudly Present OR Adiposa Waste Bank Customers✨ Come on, hurry up and register yourself as a customer of the ADIPOSA Garbage Bank. Let's together create a clean and beautiful environment ✨ Registration link: Catalog Link: Don't miss it yaa🤩 Don't forget to always watch Adiposa's ig, friends Your environmental waste, now it's your investment💰 . . Director: Muhammad Afif Taufiq Find Us Ig: @bsadiposa #BSADIPOSAUNP #BANKSAMPAH News Maker : Afifatul Achyar, M.Si. News Editor : Relsas Yogica, M.Pd. Web and Social Media Admin : Threo Wanda Marten, S.Si.