• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Late Post!!!

Community Service by Biology Education Study Program, Department of Biology, FMIPA UNP, with the theme: "The Role of Universities in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum (IKM)".

The activity was held on Saturday/ August 13, 2022, held at SMAN 4 West Sumatra, attended by the Head of the West Sumatra Education Office who on this occasion was represented by the Coordinator of the Senior High School Supervisor of the West Sumatra Education Office, Mr. Yunisra, M.Kom.

Those who provide material in this activity:
1. Mrs. Dr. Muhyiatul Fadilah, M.Pd.
2. Mrs. Rahmadhani Fitri, M.Pd.
3. Mrs. Dr. Suci Fajrina, M.Pd.

and those present on this occasion were: Head of the Biology Education Study Program, FMIPA UNP, Secretary of the Biology Department, FMIPA UNP, Mr. Mrs. Lecturer of Biology Education Study Program and Community Service participants.