• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Alhamdulillah Ya Rabb

Padang State University--The Indonesian LPTK MIPA Association (AMLI) has finished carrying out the inaugural Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an for Mathematics and Natural Sciences students with the organizers of the Padang State University. AMLI itself is a forum for meeting the deans of FMIPA or FPMIPA from 12 state LPTKs that were formerly IKIP, namely FMIPA UNP, UNNES, UPI, UNY, UM, UNJ, UNIMED, UNIMA, UNM, UNHIKSA, UNG, and UNESA. At the close of Saturday (9/10/2021), the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) managed to collect the most points, namely 64 points, so that it was entitled to the title of overall champion. Meanwhile, the host of UNP was able to win the title of 1st place in the women's recitation branch, which was won by Engla Islami Putri, Department of Biology TM 2020.

As for each field that was contested and the top winners were MFQ: Yogyakarta State University (Alfi Syahril, Amri Shabirin, Ilham A Akbar), MSQ: Malang State University (Nabilah AF, Okta Fariha, Finurika Rohmati), Putra MTQ: Surabaya State University (M Taufik Ramadhan) , Women's MTQ: Padang State University (Engla Islami Putri) , Men's MHQ 5 chapters: Surabaya State University (M Yusril Irtizaq N), women's MHQ 5 chapters: Surabaya State University (Dzikra Nasyaya M), MHQ 10 juz son : Jakarta State University (M Nazmi Hanif), and MHQ 10 juz female : Medan State University (Muhadhira Utami).