• Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang.


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Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Mr & Mrs,
On behalf of the Biology Department Steering Committee, Padang State University FMIPA in collaboration with Malang State University invites all researchers and lecturers to be able to take part in The 3rd International Conference on Biology, Science and Education (ICoBioSE) on 27 October 2021
by theme:

"Biological Science and Education Challenges for Empowering Smart and Sustainable Society"
Submit Abstract : June 22, 2021 (Early Bird) and July 16, 2021 (Regular)

Platform: ZOOM
(Meeting ID and Password will be shared through participant accounts on the ICoBioSE website)/ Live Streaming Youtube: Biology Department, FMIPA UNP

Keynote Speaker
1. Thomas William Swinfield
(University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)

2. Dr. Takeshi Yamasaki
(University of Hyogo, Japan)

3. Mark McDermott
(University of Iowa, United States of America)

4. Prof.Dr. Abdul Razak
(State University of Padang, Indonesia)


Contact person :

+62 813 634 24123 (Irma Leilani, M.Si )
+62 812 7672 8661 (Fitra Arya Dwi Nugraha, M.Sc. )
+62 822 8514 8590 (Sa'diyatul Fuadiyah, M.Pd)